The demise of Cardiff’s OYBike scheme

Not all that long ago, after attending a Cardiff Cycling Campaign meeting, I was enthusing over what appeared to be Cardiff Council’s committment to sustainable travel and transforming the city into a haven for cyclists and pedestrians.  But now, due to the council withdrawing funding, Cardiff’s cycle hire OYBike scheme will end tomorrow, just over two years after it started.  Not only will this leave many people across the city without access to a set of wheels, it will also mean Cardiff is left lagging behind other big cities. 

The South Wales Echo received a letter from Julie Morgan AM last month expressing concern over the move and a letter from a resident of Canton also appeared in yesterday’s Echo, asking Santa to save the scheme.  Letters written in vain.

What a sad day for OYBike users and for the city itself, as Cardiff seemingly takes a step back in promoting greener travel options.

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